- Topic: Fundamentals of Frame & Connection, Argentine Tango
- Date: August 24th, 2014
- Times: 2:00-8:00 PM, Break 4:30-5:30
- Location: Martin Batchelor Gallery
- Cost: Current Members FREE
- Non-Members: $50 (includes membership for August)
Bootcamps are an ideal way for beginners to make quick progress, to review fundamentals, try a new dance and to bring a friend to try it out with you. It's also a great way to start learning the opposite role (lead vs. follow) which is the ONLY way to truly master the dance in your primary role!
As always, advance registration by email is required for ALL bootcamps. Please do not drop-in or you may be turned away. Registration & questions can be directed, as always, to carpenoctemdance @ gmail.com.